Evelyn Bhikuning

Hi! I am Evelyn. A woman who inlove on writing, photography, traveling, content creating, drawing and reading!

Since I was in elementary school, I'd love to write in everything I've done, started from woke up; how'd I ate my breakfast; strange feeling when saw my crush; to the what dream I used to dream of.
Drawing also be my half life since forever. Applying imaginations throughout marker with paper to be painted on photoshop is now being easily. On this millenial era, where digital is taking over all activites I can draw only within wacom and fill it with colors  just one click. Oh how I loved that.

But sadly, all those wonderfull things easily forgotten since I'd pretty busy to finish my Bachelor degree. After I graduated and married, I decided not to working on company. Coz it feels like just being a housewife is the only things I comfortable with. But appearantly I started gettin bored and trying to make deal with my lost talented profile I've ever had: write and draw.

So welcome to my daily blog Goodlooks, (since 2011 until now - sorry I've been delete all my old blog, yea it's a teenager shame. Where my passions are combined as I kick off my best into this blog. Goodlooks will be my public journal, portofolio, lifestyle, digital media, fashion, drawing, homemade recipes and motherhood.

Please add your comments through the end of my posts, I'd like to be friend and hear your opinion!
And yes not all my posts write in English, if I'm in not that mood in English stuff, I'll write in Bahasa, off course ;)
And please, catch me on instagram : @brleve




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